m1_0 Lots of people spend their free time doing needlework. Pretty often they wish, they turned this activity into a profit-bringing pastime. When your job coincides with your hobby, it is an ideal formula of an occupation. Of course, it is not easy to organize mass production and find the customers .However, there are some advantages of doing this activity-it is meditation with a net result and surplus value, you have your own timetable, an opportunity to create an authorial work and earn some money as well. Moreover you can put into practice your own ideas.
Ludza Society of Disabled people decided to further this dream organizing a practical training course. So an individual training course in machine knitting (with no preliminary knowledge) was organized in frames of the Project „Work is Life”. Only ladies applied for the two months long course. The training took place in May and June 2014. Ilona Senkova, the chairwoman of Ludza Society of Disabled, who has worked as a knitter for 11 years, led the course.

m2_0 The timetable of the course was very flexible. The time was coordinated with every participant of the course. The knitting course took place in the rooms of the Town Council. During the course the knitting machines that are owned by Society of Disabled were used.
So ten ladies from Ludza learned about the technical structure and the maintenance of the knitting machine, about different types of materials and specific methods of machine knitting, designing and knitting a jumper. The yarn, all required tools and means of maintenance were provided as well.
The participants of the course admitted the course beeing very useful, they would like to continue learning machine knitting. All ladies confirmed they had acquired very useful skills that would be suitable at home at work.
May the diligent needlewomen put into practice the received skills, improve them and fulfill their dreams!